一部傳記電影,改編自知名的音樂劇,講述阿根廷的前第一夫人伊娃.裴隆(María Eva Duarte de Perón,1919~1952年,另譯貝隆夫人)、民眾暱稱為Evita(艾薇塔)的一生。同時,也從這位貧窮女子力爭出頭的野心中展現一個時代。


 It won’t be easy 一言難盡。
You’ll think it strange 我講出這些心底話,
When I try to explain how I feel 大家一定會驚訝:
that I still need your love after all that I’ve done 在是是非非之後,我仍然需要大家的愛。
You won’t believe me 你未必肯信:
All you will see is a girl you once knew 你眼前所見,仍是你以前認識的女孩,
Although she’s dressed up to the nines 雖然衣服變得體面,
At sixes and sevens with you 雖然地位變得崇高。
I had to let it happen 我不得已,
I had to change 我必須改變。
Couldn’t stay all my life down at heels 我不要一生爬不起來。
Looking out of the window 當年看著窗外,
Staying out of the sun 卻看不到陽光。
So I chose freedom 所以我要自由,
Running around trying everything new 衝衝衝,奮鬥突破。
But nothing impressed me at all 我一事無成,
I never expected it to 但也沒有非分之想。
Don’t cry for me, Argentina 阿根廷,別為我哭泣!
The truth is I never left you 說真的:我從未離開大家,
All through my wild days 即使日子飄泊,
My mad existence 即使任性墮落。
I kept my promise 我守了承諾,
Don’t keep your distance 也請你別離開我。
And as for fortune and as for fame 名名利利,
I never invited them in 我一向隨緣。
Though it seemed to the world 但世人看我,
They were all I desired 卻是熱衷名利。
They are illusions 名利水中月,
They are not the solutions 那並非答案,
They promise to be 那似是而非。
The answer was here all the time 解決之道,老早在各位眼前:
I love you and hope you love me 我愛大家,也希望大家愛我。
Don’t cry for me, Argentina 阿根廷,別為我哭泣!
Don’t cry for me, Argentina 阿根廷,別為我哭泣!
The truth is I never left you 說真的:我從未離開大家,
All through my wild days 即使日子飄泊,
My mad existence 即使任性墮落。
I kept my promise 我守了承諾,
Don’t keep your distance 也請你別離開我。
Have I said too much 我話太多了嗎?
There is nothing more I can think of say to you 我言不盡意。
But all you have to do 你們只要看著我,
Is look at me to know that every word is true……… 就明白我句句真心!


英文片名 Evita
出品年代 1996年
故事地點 阿根廷
導演 Alan Parker